"Big Chungus" is a meme featuring a fat version of Bugs Bunny, often humorously depicted as a fictional PlayStation 4 game. The meme became popular for its absurdity and has been widely shared across various online platforms.
The image of the fat Bugs Bunny comes from the 1941 cartoon Wabbit Twouble, where Bugs briefly mocks a portly Elmer Fudd. The image resurfaced online in 2017, initially on 4chan, and later spread to other platforms like Reddit and Facebook.
The word "Chungus" was coined by video game journalist Jim Sterling before the meme's creation. It was first used online in 2012, with no fixed meaning, often used humorously in various contexts.
The term "Big Chungus" first appeared in 2016 on Tumblr, referring to a Second Life character. The meme gained traction in 2017 and saw a resurgence in 2019, becoming a popular symbol of ironic humor on platforms like iFunny and Reddit.